Did you know, according to CNA, at least S$1.9 million lost to police officer impersonation scams since January?
What is an Impersonation scam:
Impersonation scams is where someone appears as a respectable individual or organization in order to deceive victims and get access to their personal information.
These types of frauds instill anxiety and/or urgency, luring victims into disclosing sensitive information.
How scammers might trick you:
- alter their caller ID or email address
- label their SMS message with the name of a corporation.
- do not allow two-way communication
For example, you receive an email or message imitating a bank stating that there is a withdrawal of a big amount of money. It leads you to immediately click on the link attached to further lose any of your savings.
How to react in such a situation?
1) Do not panic and click on unverified links
2) Never give out personal information without first confirming the sender.
3) Always confirm that the message came from a reliable source
4) Be wary of requests for personal information
Additionally, you can also install Acronis’s advanced email security which blocks email
threats even before they reach your mailbox!
Other benefits of Acronis include:
- scan content across both inbound and outbound emails
-prevent APTs and zero-days
-having direct access to cyber analysts and email security experts
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