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Threat Intelligence and Cyber Threat Hunting

Threat intelligence and cyber threat hunting

What is Threat Intelligence and Cyber Threat Hunting?

Threat intelligence is the process of gathering, analyzing, and sharing information about current and potential cyber threats. It aims to provide actionable insights that help organizations defend against and respond to cyber attacks. Cyber threat hunting is a proactive cybersecurity practice that involves actively searching for signs of malicious activity within an organization's IT environment. Threat hunting is a manual, investigative process aimed at identifying threats that may have evaded existing defenses. What is the role of threat intelligence in proactive cybersecurity?

  1. Early Threat Detection and Prevention Insights into emerging threats, including new types of malware, attack vectors, and tactics used by cybercriminals. By understanding these threats in advance, organizations can implement defenses before an attack occurs.

  2. Informed Decision-Making By understanding the threat landscape, organizations can make informed decisions about resource allocation, security investments, and policy development. This helps in prioritizing defenses against the most relevant and severe threats.

  3. Enhancing Incident Response With real-time threat intelligence, security teams can respond to incidents more quickly and effectively. The intelligence provides context and details about the nature of the threat, enabling a more targeted and efficient response.

Process of cyber threat hunting

What is the process of Threat Hunting?

  1. Preparation and Hypothesis Development The first step is to have a comprehensive understanding of the organization's IT environment, including the network architecture, endpoints, applications and normal user behavior.

  2. Data Analysis Hunters analyze data to identify unusual or suspicious behavior that deviates from the norm. This might include detecting anomalies in user activity, network communication, or system processes.

  3. Hypothesis Testing Based on the analysis, hunters test their hypothesis by investigating specific leads. This may involve deep-dive forensic analysis, reverse engineering of suspicious files, or monitoring of live network traffic.


Threat Intelligence and Cyber Threat Hunting are complementary components of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Threat Intelligence provides organizations with the knowledge and insights needed to anticipate and prepare for potential cyber threats, helping to inform security decisions and enhance defenses.

It enables organizations to stay ahead of emerging threats by analyzing data on attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). ACE Business: Your Partner in IT HelpDesk Support

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